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All Awana programs are held on Sunday evenings from 4:45-6:45pm from September to early May. Our focus is to teach children the truth about the gospel and equip them with verses while having fun and building friendships.

Cubbies (Pre-K)

"Jesus Loves You"

- Cubbies Motto

Learning Bible verses and stories, singing songs, and doing fun crafts, and even puppets are all a part of an evening with Cubbies.


"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

- 2nd Timothy 2:15

(Sparks and T&T theme verse)


Sparks (K-2nd)

Children continue to learn and review Bible verses that focus on different themes such as who God is, grace, and salvation. Group Bible stories are interactive... (something about cirriculum). Singing and games are also a part of Sparks!

T&T (3rd-6th)

Truth and Training, or T&T, is where kids dive deeper into Scripture to learn what truth the Bible has to share. Songs, game time, and a Bible lesson are still a part of this branch of the Awana program. 

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